Deciding to enter into an Unlimited License Agreement (“ULA”) is a serious decision that can have licensing and cost implications beyond its term. The Unlimited License Agreement (“ULA”) Optimization service is designed to assist Oracle ULA customers with optimizing their ULAs from inception to the end of term. With an advanced knowledge of ULAs, Tarim will provide a quantified cost analysis to evaluate whether proceeding with a ULA or going with transactional purchases will be a cost effective decision for the organization.
Tarim will conduct a cost analysis between a ULA and transactional purchases to help customers determine which option makes more sense for them.
Tarim can help manage an existing ULA by tracking all license deployments made during its term. By staying on top of what is deployed, the customer can avoid surprises upon expiration.
Certifying a ULA when it expires is a necessary step that all ULA customers will eventually face. An automated ULA certification process ensures not only the most accurate collection of deployment data, but also provides leverage when negotiating a ULA renewal.
If you’re unsure if we are able to reduce your Oracle operating costs, or wish to get more information about a specific service, please set a time to speak to an Oracle Licensing Specialist so we can best determine your needs.
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